Innovative and creative Austria
She is in charge of the Austrian Cultural Forum for a few months now and her mission is to enhance cultural relations between our two countries.How does Bucharest look like in the beginning of her mandate and which is the image of contemporary Austria promoted in Romania?
What do you think of Bucharest ?
Bucharest is a very exciting city, where contrasts are visible everywhere. This is its most important feature, in my opinion. I came to Bucharest for the first time in 2007 accompanying my husband who, as a film director, had been invited to the Bucharest International Film Festival with his film: Tressette – A Story of an Island.
What did you know about Bucharest before you came here?
I have to admit, I knew almost nothing and got surprised by the magnificent tree-lined boulevards and the glorious Belle Époque buildings, and mostly by the great hospitality and open-mindedness of the young people who took care of us during our stay in Bucharest.
What is the goal of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Romania? What are its main tasks?
Other countries primarily associate Austria with its culture and it is indeed true that Austria’s cultural sphere is more influential than its political or economic status in the world. This positive image is mostly based on Austria´s rich cultural heritage and it is the task of the ACF to continuously update this positive image by including new cultural, scientific and economic performances, particularly those of the post-war era. Our goal is to present a unique image of a contemporary, innovative, and creative Austria.
What are your expectations regarding the Romanian - Austrian partnership?
There are already a lot of examples giving evidence of the good relationship between our two countries, such as the EU-Strategy for the Danube Region. It was Romania and Austria, who together took the initiative for the EU-Strategy for the Danube Region – the second macro-regional strategy of the European Commission which is being implemented now.
In the field of culture, I am happy to see that there are already established commun projects between the most important Museums of Modern Art in Romania and Austria. I dedicate my efforts to further enlarge the network of culture and art between our countries contemporary artists.
This season ACF organized a photo exhibition signed by Peter Schubert, a short films screening at the beginning of December and this month The Biennale. These are activities that embrace all the arts. Is there any preference for some of them or do you want to touch all sides of the cultural?
The contemporary cultural life in Austria is so rich that I am in the lucky position to be able to present the creative and innovative Austria in almost all cultural spheres. The fields where I aim to put most of my efforts for 2013 are dance, literature and urban architecture.
What should we expect in the future of ACF?
In December, I warmly recommend to visit the Austrian pavilion at the International Experimental Engraving Biennial at the Victoria Art Center. The opening of the Austrian, the Polish and the Hungarian pavilion will take place on December 12th. Also, we would be happy to have you at the Marimba concert of the Wave Quartett at the Atheneum on December 15th. For 2013, we are already preparing a second edition of the „Austrian Dance Days” and, together with Germany and Switzerland, Austria will be guest country of the „Bookfest 2013”.
What would you best recommend to Austrian visitors to Bucharest?
The MNAC, Green Hours and the new Control Club, The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant and the WASP (Working Art Space & Production) are the first names that come to my mind.
BIO Elisabeth Marinkovic
Born in Vienna/Austria 12. 01. 1972. Primary and Secondary school in Vienna. Studied languages (Czech, French and Croatian) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Vienna. Study-related stays abroad: France, French part of Switzerland, Czech Republic, Croatia. Employed at the Austrian Foreign Ministry since 2000. Worked in different departments of the Ministry such as Department for Development Cooperation or Department for Economic Affairs and European Integration. Posts at the Austrian Embassy in Prague/Czech Republic and Zagreb/Croatia.
2008-2012 Deputy Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague. Since end of August 2012: Director of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bucharest. Married to Croatian film director Pavo Marinkovic, 2 children (7 and 9 years old).